Tag Archives: too long

High School Restrictions on Hair and Clothing – Your Thoughts?

More and more American high schools are now bringing in strict dress codes and hair restrictions for students, especially young males, and some parents are asking if the schools should be more concerned about other problems. After all just because a young man has long hair does not mean that he will study to a lesser degree than one with short hair, nor does it mean that he will be a greater disruption within the school.

At least the schools here are not going to the lengths seen in other countries, such as Korea, to enforce the hair length of its students. There some teachers have been known to forcibly cut the students hair if he does not conform. Can you imagine the outcry if the teachers tried that here?

What are your views on the subject? Should schools be able to enforce a strict dress and hair code, or does it not really matter to you? Do you feel that appearance does affect how a student behaves and studies in school? Tell us your thoughts.

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